Brooklyn is growing bigger everyday. Can someone please tell me what happened to the last 7 months? She's finally mastered the rolling over but hates being on her stomach. She's perfectly content with scooting around on her back. She's actually pretty mobile.
Andrew is turning into the terrible two and loves to throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Let's just put it this way, he just loves sitting in his time out spot more than any other place in the house.
Overall we are doing great!! We couldn't be more thankful for all of our blessings!
Last but not least, Brooklyn got this great gift from my sister in-law Wanda. It's a cart table playhouse. This is their version of the pet shop. If you are interested in one, my sister Wendy is selling them. Go to her blog and then look at moms on the go (MOG) and she has the info there. Or, if you would rather make your own, they will be selling the patterns at by the end of March. Andrew loves playing with it and Brooklyn soon will too!!