I had the opportuninty to take my dance company to Cedar City with the drama department to compete in the Shakespeare competition. It was a blast! I was so proud of my girls and really felt like they competed amazingly well for our first time.
Our first piece we call "Children of An Idle Brain." It was choreographed by my good friend Kasie Payne. It was based upon the story of Romeo and Juliet. The girls were fabulous and I couldn't be more proud.
The second piece was a trio choreographed by some of my dancers "Greatness." They also did an amazing job and they are such beautiful dancers how could they go wrong?
Overall it was a great experience we saw a lot of stuff and learned a lot about Mr. William Shakespeare. In fact, there is a movie coming out about Mr. Shakespeare that I am now planning on seeing.
Check out my links above to watch these amazing dances!!!